Pax & Maris Cordova
Pax & Maris Cordova have been married for 24 years and have three children. They have served as pastors for over 15 years in Australia. Their passion for the Word of God has never failed them!
Pax and Maris are called by God as end-time warriors to equip, train, and prepare the Church physically, spiritually, and mentally for the great end-time battles.
Over ten years ago, Pax and Maris founded Ultimate Spirit Warriors Bootcamp with a “Soldier of God” type of preparation for the soon coming Biblical difficulties. Pax’s employment in surveillance, interrogation, and infiltration operations with different government agencies has given him a unique ability to think outside the box and create a training like no other. Their approach combines both physical and spiritual elements, pushing people to the point of total dependence on God.
They minister in nations around the world ensuring a mindset to never deny the Lord or take the mark of the beast.
Pax and Maris are called by God as end-time warriors to equip, train, and prepare the Church physically, spiritually, and mentally for the great end-time battles.
Over ten years ago, Pax and Maris founded Ultimate Spirit Warriors Bootcamp with a “Soldier of God” type of preparation for the soon coming Biblical difficulties. Pax’s employment in surveillance, interrogation, and infiltration operations with different government agencies has given him a unique ability to think outside the box and create a training like no other. Their approach combines both physical and spiritual elements, pushing people to the point of total dependence on God.
They minister in nations around the world ensuring a mindset to never deny the Lord or take the mark of the beast.